(Sep 2021 – Present)

Anglo American – Scarborough

(Jan 2018 – Sep 2021)

Omya –

My focus was structuring, accelerating and leading $300M business segment of Agriculture & Forestry. I lead the team in developing a strategy which leveraging unique corporate R&D capabilities to create differentiated, higher value offerings while remaining focused on natural-based products. Simultaneously, we commissioned production capacity and developed a high-capable, diverse team to deliver the strategic goals while ensuring legacy business and team achieved substantial growth targets.

(2007 – 2017)

Koch Ag & Energy Solutions, LLC –

The challenge was developing Europe, Middle East, Africa with technology new to region with environmental and agronomic benefits but would require education and change of traditional practices and products and therefore face resistance.

My focus was to utilize entrepreneurial skills to start from a ‘blank slate’ and execute a strategy from registration authorization to commercial success (and all development steps in the continuum) with context-appropriate approach on subregional or country basis.

(2004 – 2007)

– Wardenburg, NL

The challenge was expanding the market interest and adoption of the offering outside of traditional core applications and markets.

My focus was innovating products that solved nutrition problems for growers of vegetables, fruits and trees while better positioning existing products and eliminating projects providing insufficient contribution.

(2001 – 2004)


My focus was to help customers solve the adoption and scale-up of innovations in life science industries.

(1995 – 2001)

Bayer CropScience – Kansas City, Missouri Area

The challenge was to utilize the best science, research and perspective of “now” to project the future agronomic, environmental and economic needs seven years in the future. Then test and select the best candidate molecules against that vision.

My focus was accelerating the flow of data and decision at earliest development stages to shrink the development time between discovery and market adoption.

(1989 – 1995)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Agronomy and Crop Science

(1984 – 1989)

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Agronomy and Crop Science